Wednesday, December 3, 2008

They come just to kill a wat??

Almighty God created humans with some imperfections,
but to bejewel his creation He endowed us,
the greatest gifts he could give,

Through the pages of history as we go,
you'll see people all mingled in these emotions,
some led to wars,but some guided to love,
just by the precious gifts we received from the Almighty..

But slowly these emotions seem to fade,
evaporatin' at a faster rate,
leavin' the hearts of people,
to harden to a extent they ever were known to be...

Some now have left the hearts completely,
completely to leave the minds,
hearts and souls deprived of the sweet ,
gifts we received from the Creator!!

So comin to the piont itself,
I'll like to ask these devils why,
why do they kill and why did they kill,
the innocents, leavin their families to baffle,
on the streets of this mighty world...

These hoodlums of the Satan,
surely don't have a heart,
heart in which dwells ,
a mind and soul connected to thee....

Just they come in a fray,
plant a bomb and go away,
as the people gasp at what the hell,
the bomb created when it exploded.

Innocents are they who die,
when these balderdashs come and spread,
the worst terror in this world,
just as we shiver at the gargantaun heap of victims.

Let these f**kers know that even if,
their hearts are cold as ice,
we are here to let the torch of humanity shine,
even if their tempest tries to blow it off...

Atlast I'll like to recommend them,
though they beleive in themselves,
we too are here ,
and don't underestimate us,
because after all we are many and they are few!!!!!

1 comment:

sohamkanade said...

But I 'njoy playin CS!!